Breaking News: DPRK Quarantine Lifted

3 March 2015

Update regarding the Ebola Quarantine restriction: We confirm that our foreign contacts in Rason have been able to enter DPRK earlier this morning via Quanhe/Wonjong today without having to go through quarantine.

As of yesterday the quarantine was still in place but our contacts have been able to enter this morning.

Our partners in Pyongyang have told us that they expect to be able to confirm with us very shortly regarding tourism in the rest of the country.

We will keep you updated regarding the rest of entry points into DPRK.

4 March 2015

We received a call from our Korean partners saying confirming that the borders are opened to tourists. We accepting bookings as usual!

Rason International Telecommunications building in North Korea (DPRK). This region is full of signs showing that it is a special economic zone in North Korea, officially named DPRK

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