2017 May Private Tour

by Chris
(Basel, Switzerland)

Dear Rayco,

Time is running so fast. I already arrived at my hotel in Beijing after the short morning flight from Pyongyang. The adventure in North Korea is already finished. I want to thank you for the perfect organisation of this amazing trip! Mrs. Hong and Mr. Kim were two very nice and kind guides in the DPRK. And the driver was a nice guy too. The places we visited were absolutely beautify and interesting. Thanks a lot for everything!!

Kind regards,

Chris (Switzerland)

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Sep 20, 2017
Thanks for your DPRK tour feedback!
by: KTG

Thank you so much for your feedback Chris!

Glad to see that you enjoyed your private trip to North Korea. The guides we work with in the DPRK are amazing people and we can safely say that, after going to Korea each month for the past 9 years, that they are key in making the trip a successful and enjoyable one.

All the best,


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